This month we offer lilacs, lemonade, hands holding hands.
Next month we are:
Submission guidelines can be found here.

linger on your lips. Maybe my mother was right, maybe all that is left from our summer of gelato
& used book stores is this:
in hand, a slight smile like you knew this was the end of things, that the Pinterest board of
coordinating wedding dresses & ethereal candlelight had a dreamlike quality for a reason
but I didn’t want to disrupt those dreams, didn’t want to hear the hollow notes of your
good mornings
soured under eternal sun, the sun that made us beautiful as it slowly
caused indelible damage under our pores
with a fork, the way your laugh sounds like rain but
your body full light- mine, shadows
that drip down my throat, that linger
Erin Jamieson (she/her) holds an MFA in Creative Writing from Miami University. Her writing has been published in over eighty literary magazines, including a Pushcart Prize nomination. She is the author of a poetry collection (Clothesline, NiftyLit, Feb 2023). Her latest poetry chapbook, Fairytales, is available from Bottlecap Press. Twitter: @erin_simmer

me and you and them

Safia Mayy is a Filipino-American poet based in St. Louis. She loves mango nectar and her cat, Mara. She can also be found @safmayy on Twitter.

This month we offer lilacs, lemonade, hands holding hands.
Next month we are:
Submission guidelines can be found here.

linger on your lips. Maybe my mother was right, maybe all that is left from our summer of gelato
& used book stores is this:
in hand, a slight smile like you knew this was the end of things, that the Pinterest board of
coordinating wedding dresses & ethereal candlelight had a dreamlike quality for a reason
but I didn’t want to disrupt those dreams, didn’t want to hear the hollow notes of your
good mornings
soured under eternal sun, the sun that made us beautiful as it slowly
caused indelible damage under our pores
with a fork, the way your laugh sounds like rain but
your body full light- mine, shadows
that drip down my throat, that linger
Erin Jamieson (she/her) holds an MFA in Creative Writing from Miami University. Her writing has been published in over eighty literary magazines, including a Pushcart Prize nomination. She is the author of a poetry collection (Clothesline, NiftyLit, Feb 2023). Her latest poetry chapbook, Fairytales, is available from Bottlecap Press. Twitter: @erin_simmer

me and you and them

Safia Mayy is a Filipino-American poet based in St. Louis. She loves mango nectar and her cat, Mara. She can also be found @safmayy on Twitter.

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