this is a good sign

issue 69 – february 2025

this is a good sign

issue 69 – february 2025

Issue 23: grief sells best where I’m from

This month, we offer nuance: rubies, beets, the book of the sun, no missed calls, a stain-less steel tree. “Nuance I'd say means redefining the smallest of details, parts that elude our daily scrutiny of this world. It means spotting a gash from the seemingly obscure, making out a white stain from the blinding dark. Nuance tilts towards shapeshift. The slight difference between our lifestyles & all other entities.”

Issue 22: if I could stop time

Late last winter the world as we knew it shut down. I kept a list of words that echoed across early pandemic conversations: grief, dead, sick, wait, prognosis, we’ll see, stay safe, be well. I unearthed this list this winter. I noticed how each word revolved around time: its ebbing, passing, ending; how much we have, how much we want.

Issue 20: the past is as fluid as the future

This month we are honored to be in conversation with Professor Susan Stryker. She says that the past is as fluid as the future; that history is proof of how radical change transpires even if to us it feels incremental. On the first day of the new year we offer you new clothes, new names, a long night, and new hands.

Issue 18: The Antidote to Rage is Nuance

Fire will not cross the road to kill you. You have to lie down to keep going. It won't hurt to have proof you loved me. She lives through this, but I never see her again.

Issue 17: You Never Know Who’s Watching

During this month's conversation with poet, educator and activist Denice Frohman she said that she finds hope in nature—in the beauty we have yet to see. This evening we explore dusk, champagne days, and animals that face extinction.

  • Beakdown - Yanina May - Rough Cut Press

Issue 16: The Goal Is To Be Forgotten

You asked how my heart is. I have lost touch with it over these years. Like a dusty hallway that I’ve learned not to take people down. But every day, inside those walls there is a longing:

Issue 15: resistance

During our interview, poet Diannely Antigua said: "I am resisting something within myself that doesn’t want me to be alive," and I told her I resonated.  So August is about resistance.

  • Liquid Rose - davisco- Rough Cut Press

Issue 8: Duende

In “Juego y Teoría Del Duende,”  Federico García Lorca writes:  “And so, duende is a power, not an act; a fight, not a thought. I heard an old guitar master say: duende does not dwell in the throat; duende climbs up inside you, from the soles of the feet...”

  • chapped - Rough Cut Press

Issue 7: Discipline

When I was fifteen a family took me in; they taught me how to cook and garden and the dad gave me books; we spent hours talking about the power of story-telling. They taught me how to practice gratitude when facing hopeless horizons; this isn't easy; this is discipline.

  • soLo - June Valentine-Ruppe - Rough Cut Press

Issue 6: Psychosis

Have you ever had a conversation/experience that makes you feel like you’ve been sucked into a dimension where everything you believe has a question mark?

  • Lydia - thesilverkid - Rough Cut Press

Issue 5: Energy

I often feel overwhelmed and utterly unequipped to deal with my problems; yet, looking back, I can see that I’ve completed many challenges I previously considered insurmountable. I used to struggle to draw stick figures - now, I have Lydia. And like the flowers on her face, I am always growing. 

  • Stop and Go by Cory Fisher and Sara Pacelko - Rough Cut Press

Issue 4: New Old Lovers

You’re looking at an ultraviolet laser shining through thick printed glass, onto a board covered with phosphorescent pigment. This pigment super-charges the glow and prints the image onto the board, temporarily.

  • you ask me why i am fire

Issue 3: Spirit

So: The arctic is on fire and the earth has quaked since we last spoke. There’s been death, hope, and devastation.

  • pyramid Halls - by Mimi Gonzalez-Barillas - Oil Painting by Sara Pacelko - Rough Cut Press

Issue 2: Survival

A year ago my heart broke at dawn; you’ll read about it in this issue, where we explore the theme of survival.

  • When You Leave - Euna Bonovich - Lauren Dougherty - Rough Cut Press

Issue 1: Secrets

Let’s jump right in. It’s the first day of June; June means pride; pride means squashing secrets. Our very first issue is just about that—secrets.

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