this is a good sign

issue 69 – february 2025

this is a good sign

issue 69 – february 2025

  • Julia - Brett William Childs

Issue 14: rastro

tonight, as my building boards up and the sirens begin to sound, I think, Revolt, revolt, revolt! It's time; the dead are calling...

  • Glory - Rough Cut Press

Issue 13: WRATH

tonight, as my building boards up and the sirens begin to sound, I think, Revolt, revolt, revolt! It's time; the dead are calling...

  • James Conrad San Francisco - Rough Cut Press

Issue 12: touch me STAY AWAY

In this issue, you will find a cat, a rattlesnake, and bumps raising like braille. You will also find an interview about the philosophy of aesthetics with Professor Jay A. Gupta. He teaches at Mills College and once gave me a C on a paper. When I went to his office to ask why, he said: “You told me where you arrived but you didn’t show me how you got there.”


It’s so weird that everything can change in what feels like a second but really it’s all an imperfect culmination of coincidences. Like a viral jump from animal to human and neglectful world leaders. Our understanding of “essential” is changing. But if you are reading this you too turn to art when you’re in pain or in love or wanting to feel at all.

  • Love - Andrea Gibson - Annie Schugart Rough Cut Press

Issue 10: Love

upside down falling through time pretending to stand right side up -- Three poems; a unique heartbeat; refraction; a fall. And an interview with Andrea Gibson.

  • The Witches Made Me Do it - Ryan Cassata - Rough Cut Press

Issue 9: Machine

A tumble from heaven, landmines, bones, synthetic ears, a car horn's long howl, Maryland's pink breath in a mirror—this month we are looking at machines; the interplay between organic experiences within sterile spaces.

  • Liquid Rose - davisco- Rough Cut Press

Issue 8: Duende

In “Juego y Teoría Del Duende,”  Federico García Lorca writes:  “And so, duende is a power, not an act; a fight, not a thought. I heard an old guitar master say: duende does not dwell in the throat; duende climbs up inside you, from the soles of the feet...”

  • chapped - Rough Cut Press

Issue 7: Discipline

When I was fifteen a family took me in; they taught me how to cook and garden and the dad gave me books; we spent hours talking about the power of story-telling. They taught me how to practice gratitude when facing hopeless horizons; this isn't easy; this is discipline.

  • soLo - June Valentine-Ruppe - Rough Cut Press

Issue 6: Psychosis

Have you ever had a conversation/experience that makes you feel like you’ve been sucked into a dimension where everything you believe has a question mark?

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