Issue 5: Energy
I often feel overwhelmed and utterly unequipped to deal with my problems; yet, looking back, I can see that I’ve completed many challenges I previously considered insurmountable. I used to struggle to draw stick figures - now, I have Lydia. And like the flowers on her face, I am always growing.
Issue 4: New Old Lovers
You’re looking at an ultraviolet laser shining through thick printed glass, onto a board covered with phosphorescent pigment. This pigment super-charges the glow and prints the image onto the board, temporarily.
Issue 3: Spirit
So: The arctic is on fire and the earth has quaked since we last spoke. There’s been death, hope, and devastation.
Issue 2: Survival
A year ago my heart broke at dawn; you’ll read about it in this issue, where we explore the theme of survival.
Issue 1: Secrets
Let’s jump right in. It’s the first day of June; June means pride; pride means squashing secrets. Our very first issue is just about that—secrets.
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