Artist Profile


Born 1994, Richmond, VA

Journey Zephyr Wade-Hak - Rough Cut Press
Journey Zephyr Wade-Hak - Rough Cut Press

Artist Profile


Born 1994, Richmond, VA

Journey Wade-Hak specializes in documentary filmmaking; he recently directed “MEAT ME HALFWAY” (2021)—a documentary that explores the urgent and multi-faceted movement to end factory farming.

Self-taught, Journey’s longstanding study of theater, film, global history, politics, and activism motivate him to creatively integrate those fields in order to foster conversations that promote and instigate environmental and social consciousness.


Thomas Fire


2 years later


bright little hostages

Journey’s Art

2 years later

And then I’m driving away for the last time, and there’s gospel blues playing, but it doesn’t really matter. And it hasn’t quite hit me yet because I’m numb to all the years we shared, a third of my life, depending on how you look at it. But now I am out of your equation; there is someone else.

I stick to drinking and flirting, and telling really, really bad jokes. I don’t ever want to be seen again and I certainly don’t want to be alone. I get a spot with an old friend, and start fresh.

Every conversation feels like birds chirping at one another. We trade sounds for feelings, constantly, and everything feels empty and transactional and gross.

Where is the intimacy? Where are the fingers and toes I used to feel the world with?

Thomas Fire - Journey Wade-Hak - Rough Cut Press
Thomas Fire

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